Russell Hammond - Friday, July 19, 2019
This year, 2019, is not like any other year in business. With all the hustle and bustle that goes into running a small business, it’s easy for big achievementsto slip by without recognition. Small business owners spend most of their time planning.... [Continue...]
Russell Hammond - Thursday, November 15, 2018
Hurricane, Tropical Storm, Nor’easter; call it what you will… What happens when the skies open up and dump buckets of water down when there is field work to be done? Canoeing around to locate property corners doesn’texactly work out so well.... [Continue...]
Russell Hammond - Friday, August 03, 2018
In your daily travels have you ever encounter people randomly on the side of the road with some sort of camera looking machine on tripods setup? Are they actually taking people's pictures?It never fails when out surveying in a public are... [Continue...]
Russell Hammond - Tuesday, June 26, 2018
Trail blazing on the hunt for that very last monument. Fighting your way through the brush and briers as the sun beats down on you. Taking one final stepas you climb out of the ditches when suddenly the earth crumbles beneath you. Reaching out for... [Continue...]
Russell Hammond - Friday, May 04, 2018
Good fences make good neighbors, but misplaced ones may cause problems. Are you looking to put a fence up for your picture-perfect home? Before you start installing those posts call a land surveyor. You may ask yourself,is a survey really needed ... [Continue...]
Russell Hammond - Thursday, March 29, 2018
House Hunters… In the list of items that are to be completed while buying a home, one of those listed might be to get a survey. You contact a land surveyor and explain you are going to be buying property and would like to request a survey to be do... [Continue...]
Russell Hammond - Monday, January 08, 2018
Day 362 - Hour 16:00Winter is coming…As the snow blows across the field there’s a shrieking hawk circling overhead. Silently standing face to face with a rustling area of brush,a horrible feeling takes over. A distant v... [Continue...]
Russell Hammond - Monday, December 11, 2017
With the holidays approaching, Santa Claus isn’t the only one that should be making a list and checking it twice. Check this list twice before calling to get a survey. You may need a surveyor when A property is divided into parcel... [Continue...]
Russell Hammond - Wednesday, November 29, 2017
Word Wednesday - Elevation Certificates If you are a home owner or soon to be one, you probably have received a letter from your mortgage company requesting flood insurance. When callingyour insurance company for a quote, you find out that an... [Continue...]
Russell Hammond - Monday, October 23, 2017
Here at RTH Surveying, we have taken the steps to make life a little easier for you. We have launched our new website that provides all the information
at your fingertips. The idea behind this revamp was to create a place that provides you with wh... [Continue...]